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New Website! (Soft Launch)

Drum roll, please…! My new website is launched and I LOVE IT!

It’s been a major undertaking and I hope you like the new look! Some of the great new features include:

  • Mobile and Video-friendly
  • New Blog page where I’ll publish my Sex Positive articles
  • New Event page where I’ll announce new Facebook Live classes
  • Quick links to connect with me on social media
  • Testimonials from current and former clients regarding how I’ve helped them reach their goals related to Sex, Psychology & Relationships

Thank you for helping me get to this important milestone. My goal is to start creating and sharing more content online based on the most common Sex & Relationship issues I see in my Coaching practice.

Please feel free to reach out with any feedback on the site as well as what content YOU want to see me share across my new and improved social sites.


If you haven’t already, check out the mobile-friendly version!

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Cari Oneal

I help individuals become sexually confident and show them how to bring that energy into everything else they do. Shoot me a message, introduce yourself, and tell me what sort of information you want to learn about!