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When to Say “Yes”…and How to Say “No”

You asked and I listened! “We want to practice saying Yes and No!”

NEW class free of charge just looking for your valuable feedback! (There will be a fee the next time it runs.)

Why don’t you ask for what you want?

Why don’t you cut to the chase and say “No” to offers you don’t want?

Because it’s awkward and no one likes rejection, moreover – few people have the skills to make it feel smooth. So…come to class and learn:

  • How to identify your lifestyle event “Yes’s and No’s”
  • How to accept a “No” when you put yourself out there and not feel bad, yucky or rejected
  • “No” is a gift – the quicker you can get to NO – the faster you’ll find a Hell Yes!
  • How to stop wasting your life & time and get what you want and need!

    “You told me to close the deal…and I did! I finally know how and I’m not afraid to say “no” either. It’s changed my life!” – Desire Guest, 2019
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Cari Oneal

I help individuals become sexually confident and show them how to bring that energy into everything else they do. Shoot me a message, introduce yourself, and tell me what sort of information you want to learn about!